


太过分了!我一直就觉得是个迷宫你还来这招 pic.twitter.com/ZTx5UuYizL

— Ken Wong (@KenWong_) 2018年11月5日

Ken Wong是一个资深的网红,资深tiwtter用户,在blog时代,他的网名叫“幻灭的麦克风”,运营过Creative-Weblogging旗下的gseeker.com这个网站,他在twitter上非常活跃,经常分享有价值的热点新闻。不幸的是,我猜他这次上了“假新闻”的当了。

我点开原文,内容来自 今日头条:https://www.toutiao.com/a6620186257760715267/

美国男子因在宜家制造错误“箭头”误导顾客被捕北青网 2018-11-05 09:43:47
北青网讯 当地时间11月3日,亚特兰大警方接到一位宜家(IKEA)销售人员的报警电话,称没有人离开该大楼,他觉得这件事很奇怪。而后警方相继接到数十个电话,称他们被锁在宜家,无法出去。





今日头条是 北京字节跳动科技有限公司开发的一款基于数据挖掘的推荐引擎产品,为用户推荐信息,提供连接人与信息的服务的产品。

北青网 是北京青年报的网站,网站称 “是北京青年报所属八报一刊一网之一”。

今日头条不算严肃媒体,但北京青年报和北青网应该算严肃媒体。但我用 “亚特兰大 site:ynet.com” 和 “宜家 site:ynet.com”这样的站内搜索方式并没有在北青网找到这篇文章。
我用标题找到另一个叫“蛋蛋赞”的中文来源: http://www.twoeggz.com/news/12038907.html 内容和今日头条的内容安全一样,发表时间是 2018-11-05 10:48:02 来源:北青网 分类:新闻阅读(912),编译者也注明为:Shirley ,但文章发表时间晚于今日头条。可以把今日头条视为中文编译源头。

我用新闻中提到的关键字转换为英文去搜索引擎中搜索,使用“atlanta ikea fake arrow”,找到了两个相关搜索结果,第一个来自 thereisnews.com,另一个讨论来自 redditcom

thereisnews.com 上的内容能跟北青网提供的内容对应上:

Man arrested for putting fake arrow decals on the floor in IKEA and for creating a labyrinth with no exit
octubre 15, 2018 Fabiola ikea

The event took place last Saturday at the multinational IKEA in Atlanta, when a salesman alerted the police that nobody left the building and he thought it was very strange. Police received dozens calls from people reporting that they were locked in IKEA and they couldn’t get out.

Police and firemen department arrived at the scene and they entered by exit door. When they got in, observed the cashiers playing Candy Crush because there were no clients. Then they had initiated a recue protocol and quickly arrived at the carpet section, where they checked that all customers were walking in circles and chasing “fake arrows”.

“People made use the display toilets, a woman almost gave birth on a carpet, a man was sleeping on the couch and even some were using the technology devices. People were tied with ropes and were rescued, but they were so dazed, they couldn’t even remember their names” the fireman explained. The author voluntarily surrendered to police, assuming his guilt.


接下来,我要去查 thereisnews.com 是一个什么网站,用”whst is thereisnews.com“去google里搜索,果不其然,这个网站是一个搞笑网站,thereisnews.com 的法律声明里说:https://thereisnews.com/legal-warning/

The site “There is news” (https://thereisnews.com) (hereinafter referred to as TIN) is a humor site whose purpose is entertainment.

The content of TIN is fiction and does not correspond to reality.

All references, names, brands or institutions that appear on the site are used as contextual elements, as in any novel or fiction account.



  1. 2018年10月5日,thereisnews.com 一以贯之的写“humor news”,网站标题是”there is News”,号称是News,,写出一“宜家假箭头困住顾客的”的“新闻”,实际上不是news而是虚构的fiction,多数人并不知情加以传播,但文章中有故意夸张的地方帮助人们识另幽默和新闻的区别;
  2. 20天后的2018年11月15日,今日头条编译了thereisnews.com这个网站的humor story ,把来源归类到北青网,为文章可信度加权重; 去掉了“有妇女差点在地毯上把孩子生下来”的部分,去掉了为可信度减权重的部分,制造假新闻的意图非常明显;
  3. 网红 Ken Wong 转发,为文章可信度加权重。但制造假新闻的意图不明显,应该是无意中协助了假新闻传播。
结论: There is News是故意的假新闻制造者,以制造混乱而取乐,故意在网站中其他页面而不是在相关网页中做出法律声明,为自己免除法律责任; 今日头条故意编译假新闻,不忠于原文进行编译,进一步造假,制造噱头,追求点击; 网红 Ken Wong是假新闻受害者兼不明真相的假新闻推波助澜者,没有制造假新闻的意图,但假新闻的传播少不了“无辜者”的推波助澜。
Elon Mush曾说要做个网站给媒体打分,用来对抗假新闻,中国的新闻业学者方可成做了一个微信小程序用来查询具体的网站的评价,比如给今日头条标记为“一款基于数据挖掘的推荐引擎产品,为用户推荐信息,提供连接人与信息的服务的产品。”,给“北青网”标记为“ 是北京青年报的网站,网站称“是北京青年报所属八报一刊一网之一”,给”there is News”标记为“is a humor site whose purpose is entertainment.”,这样可以节省人们辨别新闻来源的时间,一定程度上也遏制了假新闻传播。


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