
最近的新闻里,你应该听过阿桑奇的名字,阿桑奇是一个极其牛逼的人物,你应该了解他。下面,我会用中文介绍我所了解到的阿桑奇。我看英文也很费力,我知道总有人也像我一样希望能看到中文的比较详细的相关资料。也许你看过维基百科上关于他的简历,但那些不详细,你仍然需要读这篇文章,如果能把我收集的这些线索添加到维基百科的词条中去则更佳。 据国际刑警组织在网页上提供的信息:

Present family name: ASSANGE
Date of birth: 3 July 1971 (39 years old)
Place of birth: TOWNSVILLE, QUEENSLAND, Australia
Language spoken: English
Nationality: Australia

可知阿桑奇的全名是 Julian Paul Assange ,中文通常翻译为 朱利安·保罗·阿桑奇,Assange的发音是: /əˈsɑːnʒ/,1971年7月3号出生,出生地是 出生在澳大利亚国的昆士兰州(Queensland)汤斯维尔(Townsville)。TED的网站 ( http://www.ted.com/speakers/julian_assange.html )介绍Assange studied physics and mathematics at the University of Melbourne ,在墨尔本大学学习物理和数学。1991因进入澳大利亚电信的黑客行为而受到指控。 阿桑奇是一个有计算机技术背景的记者,在瑞典涉嫌性犯罪(Sex Crimes),这个网页 ( http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/12/sex-charges-and-arrest-warrant-against.html )认为的“性犯罪”实际上只是“Sex Without a Condom”, NOT Non-Consensual Rape Using Force, 是做爱不戴套,不是暴力强奸,是激情(’sex by surprise’)而已, 瑞典检察官玛丽安·奈(Marianne Ny)在2009年9月重新调查此案,要求阿桑奇当面接受询问,但一直没法与阿桑奇会面,而阿桑奇的律师希望在瑞典大使馆或苏格兰场(英国首都伦敦警务处总部)接受视频询问,但瑞典检察官玛丽安·奈不同意,于是法庭发出了逮捕令,瑞典刑警于2009年11月20号透过国际刑警组织全球通缉阿桑奇。 在瑞典被控告“Sex Crimes”但在法庭缺席,所以阿桑奇的大名上了国际刑警组织的网站 ( http://www.interpol.int/public/data/wanted/notices/data/2010/86/2010_52486.asp ) ,这并不等于阿桑奇已经被法庭定罪,只能算从在瑞典逃走的嫌疑人。 讲完他的花边新闻,现在介绍他的牛逼战绩和最近的事情:

  1. 阿桑奇和他创立的wikileaks.org 的志愿者利用 Tor网络的匿名性动员支持者在保护自己的身份信息的情况下向他提交资料,结果收到 美国军队杀害无辜伊拉克平民的视频的视频,是伊拉克战场上美军阿帕奇武装直升机直升机驾驶员座舱拍摄的一段38分钟的视频,2010年04月05日发布后搞得美国军方十分被动,军方的宣传努力白费了 ,现在还可以在这里看到视频  http://collateralmurder.com/
  2. 这个TED采访阿桑奇的视频中提到,一位叫 Bradley Manning 美国情报分析人员因向阿桑奇提供了美军屠杀无辜的视频而被捕,还可能向阿桑奇的wikileak.org 提供了28万份美国使馆电报,阿桑奇说Bradley Manning被控提供了15万份美国使馆电报,还公布了其他50条 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTk2NDU4MjM2.html (19分钟,中文字幕,推荐观看)
  3. 2010年07月25日 ,wikileaks公布阿富汗的战争日志 War Diary: Afghanistan War Logs http://www.diarydig.org/
  4. 2010年10月22日 wikileaks公布伊拉克的战争日志的数据库资料 War Diary: Iraq War Logs http://www.diarydig.org/
  5. 2010年11月28日 wikileaks开始公布来自美国在全球多个大使馆的25万1千2百8十7份电报内容,时间跨度从1966年12月到2010 年2月。 Cablegate: 250,000 US Embassy Diplomatic Cables , The full set consists of 251,287 documents, comprising 261,276,536 words.The cables cover from 28th December 1966 to 28th February 2010 and originate from 274 embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions. http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/ (cable gate=电报门 ?)
  6. 维基解密的网站 http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/ 遭受DDoS攻击后,阿桑奇把服务器从瑞典搬到亚马逊的服务器上,以为使用云服务器就不怕DDoS攻击了,结果美国国土安全局的主席 参议院国土安全委员会的主席Sen. Joe Lieberman打电话给亚马逊后,亚马逊公司拒绝为维基解密(wikileaks)提供主机服务: After suffering aggressive cyber attacks last weekend, Assange removed his “cablegate” site from servers in Sweden and purchased a new home for it on Amazon’s web hosting service. On Tuesday, Amazon talked on the phone with the office of Sen. Joe Lieberman, chairman of the Senate’s committee on homeland security. via:  http://edition.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/12/02/mackinnon.wikileaks.amazon/
  7. 紧接着 ,12月2号: wikileaks.org 又失去了DNS服务,原来的提供DNS域名解析服务的 EveryDNS.net 不敢为wikileaks.org 提供域名解析服务了 EveryDNS.net provided domain name system (DNS) services to the wikileaks.org domain name until 10PM EST, December 2, 2010, when such services were terminated. As with other users of the EveryDNS.net network, this service was provided for free. The termination of services was effected pursuant to, and in accordance with, the EveryDNS.net Acceptable Use Policy.” via: http://www.readwriteweb.com/cloud/2010/12/wikileaks-loses-its-dns-servic.php
  8. 还有更惨的,在美国政府的压力之下,PayPal Freezes WikiLeaks Account ,提供网上支付的PAYPAL公司冻结了wikileaks.org 的帐号,人们无法点捐款按钮向wikileaks捐款了。PAYPAL认为wikileaks违反了条款。 http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/12/paypal-wikileaks/
  9. 很快, wikileaks提供了 新的服务器, 透过twitter传播约6个小时后,wikileaks的twitter帐号又公布了三个 域名  http://wikileaks.de/   http://wikileaks.fi/ http://wikikeaks.nl/
  10. 2010年12月5号为止,wikileaks的公布文件的数目被我记录到三个数字: Currently released so far… 667 / 251,287
    Currently released so far… 683 / 251,287 Currently released so far… 842 / 251,287


  11. 我担心他们新的服务器也会消失,于是尝试制作镜像站点,找到一个方法制作镜像,用SSH登录我的主机,输入
    wget -r -p -np -k zip -r cablegate.zip

    这样就可以打包下载到wikileaks的网站内容了。24小时后,我再用这招就没用了,看来wikileaks.org 里有高手防范爬虫,我添加useragent也没法用wget命令递归下载到网站内容,网站老是返回一个乱码文件,后来找到一个 叫 WinHTTrack HTTrack 的工具,这工具不错,模拟IE6浏览器进下递归下载,终于下载到最新的网站整站数据。

  12. 到了2010年5号凌晨,英国卫报终于出来点猛料了,下面两份美国使馆电报文件显示,有个名字被阿桑奇隐去的中国政治局常委领导了对GOOGLE中国的攻击,这个常委因为搜索到自己的名字后不高兴了,Dan Piccuta, the US chargé d’affaires, was told how the prominent politician had “recently discovered that Google’s worldwide site is uncensored” after he “allegedly entered his own name and found results critical of him”. Shortly afterwards, according to the cable, the Chinese government ordered “the three dominant SOE [state influence enterprises] telecoms [companies] to stop doing business with the company”.
    1. US embassy cables: Offended Chinese politician pulled plug on Google http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/207610
    2. US embassy cables: Google hacking ‘directed by Chinese politburo itself http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/245489
    3. WikiLeaks cables blame Chinese government for Google hacking Leading politician ordered attacks after Googling his own name and finding  critical articles, US dispatches say http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/dec/04/wikileaks-cables-google-china-hacking
  13. 但上面的内容没有出现在wikileaks的网站里,我通过安装GOOGLE桌面搜索软件查找着关键字,没有发现英国卫报提供的以下内容: 2. (C) XXXXXXXXXXXXX, CDA Dan Piccuta and XXXXXXXXXXXX talked XXXXXXXXXX about the increasing censorshippressure Google is facing.XXXXXXXXXXXX said Politburo Standing Committee member XXXXXXXXXXXX recently discovered that Google’s worldwide site is uncensored, and is capable of Chinese language searches and search results. XXXXXXXXXXXX allegedly entered his own name and found results critical of him. He also noticed the link from google.cn’s homepage to google.com, whichXXXXXXXXXXXX reportedly believes is an “illegal site.” XXXXXXXXXXXX asked three ministries (note: most likely the Ministry of Industry and Information Industry, State Council Information Office, and Public Security Bureau.) to write a report about Google and demand that the company cease its “illegal activities,” which include linking to google.com. 另一份与GOOGLE退出中国有关的美国使馆电报: 2. (S) XXXXXXXXXXXX told PolOff that the closely held Chinese government operations against Google had been coordinated out of the State Council Information Office XXXXXXXXXXXX It was not until Google’s public announcement of the intrusions into its systems that the issue had been discussed more widely within the Party. (Note: It is unclear whether President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao were aware of these actions before Google’s going public.) As a result of Google’s announcement, the PBSC had taken up the issue of Internet controls and the Google case in a series of meetings (reftel). XXXXXXXXXXXX stated that PRC operations against Google were “one hundred percent” political in nature and had nothing to do with removing Google, with its minority market share, as a competitor to Chinese search engines. Separately, XXXXXXXXXXXX told ECON MinCouns that he believed PBSC member XXXXXXXXXXXX was working actively with Chinese Internet search giant Baidu against Google’s interests in China.
  14. 阿桑奇为什么要隐藏美国使馆电报中涉及的人名呢? 在 “State Department transcript on WikkiLeaks” ( http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2010/12/152291.htm ) 有人亦问到这个问题 QUESTION: One more question. Some of the cables that you see the names, sources that you describe as sources that help you to understand country or events in that specific country, some of them are erased. My question is –(还有一个问题,一些电报中能看到名字,消息源,方便你了解特定国家的的活动信息,但有些电报中删除了,我的问题是) MR. CROWLEY: Some of them are?(有些怎么啦?) QUESTION: Erased. Those names are erased by the WikiLeaks people or –(删除了,这些名字被维基解密或谁擦除了) MR. CROWLEY: That’s a question to ask Julian Assange, if you can find him.(这个问题你应该问朱利安.阿桑奇,如果你找得到他的话) 阿桑奇在这里有回应类似的问题: Have you released, or will you release, cables (either in the last few days or with the Afghan and Iraq war logs) with the names of Afghan informants or anything else like so? Are you willing to censor (sorry for using the term) any names that you feel might land people in danger from reprisals?? By the way, I think history will absolve you. Well done!!![你是否已经或即将在使馆电报(甚至较早前的阿富汗和伊拉克战争日志中)发布阿富汗线人之类的名字? 你是否会觉得可能会让这些人遭受来自当地的报复而审查掉这些人的名字?顺便说,我想历史会宽恕你,干得漂亮] Julian Assange: WikiLeaks has a four-year publishing history. During that time there has been no credible allegation, even by organisations like the Pentagon that even a single person has come to harm as a result of our activities. This is despite much-attempted manipulation and spin trying to lead people to a counter-factual conclusion. We do not expect any change in this regard.(维基解密有四年网络出版的历史了,在这段时间里,没有可信的指控认为我们的行为危害到了如五角大楼这样的组织机构,也没有伤害到自然人。尽管这是备受指责但与事实不符的,但我们会一如既往。)via: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2010/dec/03/julian-assange-wikileaks
  15. Can you explain the censorship of identities as XXXXX’s in the revealed cables? Some critical identities are left as is, whereas some are XXXXX’d. Some cables are partially revealed. Who can make such critical decisons, but the US gov’t? As far as we know your request for such help was rejected by the State department. Also is there an order in the release of cable or are they randomly selected? Thank you.(你能解释一下电报中的XXXXXX等身份信息被审查的事吗? 有些关键身份信息留下来了,但有些没了,有些部分的没了,谁作出这样关键的决策?美国政府?据我了解,你们希望美国国务院帮忙但被拒绝了,另外电报公开是随机的吗?) Julian Assange: The cables we have release correspond to stories released by our main stream media partners and ourselves. They have been redacted by the journalists working on the stories, as these people must know the material well in order to write about it. The redactions are then reviewed by at least one other journalist or editor, and we review samples supplied by the other organisations to make sure the process is working.(这些电报是否公开由我们的媒体合作伙伴和我们决定的,记者要写故事,他们需要节录这些材料,这个节录审查环节至少有一名编辑或记者来复核,并且会有其他组织来复核。)
  16. 甚至中国的人民网也来报道一个,说法国也不让wikileaks使用法国的网站服务器 France moves to ban WikiLeaks from using French servers http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90777/90853/7220892.html
  17. 在 http://mirror.wikileaks.info/ 能找到更多镜像网站的信息
  18. 通过 Using regular IRC client, connect to chat.wikileaks.orgSSL port 9999 可以联系上他们
  19. 美国使馆电报是 Bradley Manning 提供给wikileaks的.


《卫报》全文链接 当被问及自身和网站的安全问题,阿桑奇说出了他的终极自保方案。“电文门资料的加密版已经传给了美国及其他国家的10万人,如果我们有不测,资料的核心部分将自动解密。另外,电文门的档案现在在许多新闻机构手里。历史终将获胜。世界将提升到一个更好的境界。我们会幸存下来吗?这取决于你们。”

The Cable Gate archive has been spread, along with significant material from the US and other countries to over 100,000 people in encrypted form. If something happens to us, the key parts will be released automatically. Further, the Cable Gate archives is in the hands of multiple news organisations. History will win. The world will be elevated to a better place. Will we survive? That depends on you.

以上就是我简单翻译并记录的 阿桑奇和电报门的相关链接,期望能够帮助你了解这件即将写入历史的事件的方方面面。我读英文也费力,翻译不准确之处,拜托行家留言斧正一下。 附件,相关链接:

  1. Arrest Warrant for “Sex Crimes” Against Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Is for “Sex Without a Condom”, NOT Non-Consensual Rape Using Force http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/12/sex-charges-and-arrest-warrant-against.html
  2. 国际刑警通缉: http://www.interpol.int/public/data/wanted/notices/data/2010/86/2010_52486.asp
  3. Lawyer for Women Accusing WikiLeaks Founder Maintains Charges of Sexual Misconduct (August 25, 2010  ) http://www.newsweek.com/blogs/declassified/2010/08/25/lawyer-for-women-accusing-wikileaks-founder-maintains-charges-of-sexual-misconduct.html
  4. Prosecutors may decide today on charges against WikiLeaks founder (Tuesday 24 August 2010) http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/aug/24/assange-wikileaks-swedish-prosecutors-charg
  5. New Details Emerge in the Case Against WikiLeaks Founder ( Tuesday 24 August 2010) http://www.newsweek.com/blogs/declassified/2010/08/24/new-details-are-reported-of-charges-against-wikileaks-founder.html
  6. Supporters dismissed rape accusations against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange… but the two women involved tell a different story http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1307137/Supporters-dismissed-rape-accusations-WikiLeaks-founder-Julian-Assange–women-involved-tell-different-story.html
  7. WIKILEAKS AND THE HAZARDS OF “INTERMEDIARY CENSORSHIP” http://www.indexoncensorship.org/2010/12/wikileaks-intermediary-censorship/
  8. http://edition.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/12/02/mackinnon.wikileaks.amazon/
  9. http://topics.cnn.com/topics/wikileaks_org
  10. http://topics.edition.cnn.com/topics/julian_assange
  11. State Department transcript on WikkiLeaks http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2010/12/152291.htm
  12. With international pressure mounting on WikiLeaks, Amazon’s decision to kick the site off its server triggered debate among other Web-hosting companies over how to handle the political hot potato. Brian Ries talks to the deciders. http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2010-12-03/wikileaks-how-godaddy-and-other-webhosting-firms-would-handle-the-controversy/
  13. A global computer hacking effort: China’s Politburo directed the intrusion into Google’s computer systems in that country, a Chinese contact told the American Embassy in Beijing in January, one cable reported. The Google hacking was part of a coordinated campaign of computer sabotage carried out by government operatives, private security experts and Internet outlaws recruited by the Chinese government. They have broken into American government computers and those of Western allies, the Dalai Lama and American businesses since 2002, cables said. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/29/world/29cables.html?_r=1
  14. France moves to ban WikiLeaks from using French servers http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90777/90853/7220892.html
  15. France said Monday it was standing by the United States as Washington faced the fallout from the release of thousands of secret diplomatic cables, calling the leaks a threat to democratic sovereignty. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6AS1VL20101129
  16. PayPal Freezes WikiLeaks Account http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/12/paypal-wikileaks/
  17. US embassy cables: Offended Chinese politician pulled plug on Google http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/207610
  18. US embassy cables: Google hacking ‘directed by Chinese politburo itself http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/245489
  19. WikiLeaks cables blame Chinese government for Google hacking Leading politician ordered attacks after Googling his own name and finding  critical articles, US dispatches say http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/dec/04/wikileaks-cables-google-china-hacking

67 thoughts on “你应该了解阿桑奇和电报门,我的朋友”

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