Request for Leave学写英文请假条

换了一家新公司,我的新疆游记 还没写,QQ上的朋友都问我为什么不更新BLOG了,我不知道如何回答,只能告诉他们我最近有点懒.今天我打算跟上司请假去北京玩几天,但我不会写请假信,用GOOGLE找了一番,东拼西凑写了这样一个英文请假信,怡笑大方了.如果有错误,请指点一下.谢谢咯.

Dear Matthew,

I want go to Beijing and participate in Xcon2005 on August 16-19. Xcon2005 is the fourth Information Security Conference,It will be held in Beijing, China, August 18-20, 2005. I'm asking for four days unpaid personal leave for Xcon2005.

XCON is an Information Security Conference organized by the XFocus Security Team which brings together information security enthusiasts and professionals from all parts of China, and the world. This year's event will be held in Beijing, China, August 18-20, 2005. For further details please visit the official XCon website at:

I would like to know if I could ask for a personal leave of absence for 4 days on August 16-19. Tuesday-Friday, total four days' leave,I should be very much obliged if you will grant me my request.

Concerning my workload: I think next week is not as busy as the other weeks, and I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause.


  请假邮件发出后,结果令人惊喜,上司从香港打来长途电话,仔细询问了Xcon的情况,然后告诉香港有很多类似的聚会,但他惊讶于Xcon的RMB$900的高价门票,不过,他还是要求我计算一下参加会议的注册费和路费(the cost for registration and transportation),我告诉他还要坐23个小时的火车,来回约600元硬座票钱吧.如果公司运营总监和公司财务允许的话,我可以免费去北京玩.哈,我本来打算借钱去XCON2005一睹国际知名黑客风采的,看来我可以更轻松的去北京玩上四天了.嘿,我的运气向来不错:)不信,大家可以从我的《新疆游记 》一文中得到证实,不过,我不没有写完哦,请耐心等候. [smile]

15 thoughts on “Request for Leave学写英文请假条”

  1. 引用自 dof
    Xcon2005 is the fourth Information Security Conference,

    how to modify this sentence? Can you show the correct sentence? TKS.

  2. 引用自 feed
    feed时间有问题 你干吗不升级到304?
    [Last Modified By zola, at 2005-08-09 11:25:41]


  3. Nice to meet you。现在还在美国。两天之后回来。


    AsukaNoKaze 是“明日香之风”的意思。“明日香”是古日本的地名。以前看过一首俳句和那里的照片后就爱上了那里。。。。

    详见qq 413022965

  4. [cool] 我就不挑错了,反正香港人最爱hongkong式的英语,比如说let me try try sin.
    ho…so your english will be acceptable to hongkong ppl.

    Good luck. 男生咋么都这么爱折腾 – -!又要去北京了

  5. 引用自



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