My thoughts on attending the Journalism Trust Initiative networking event

Zola’s opinion,News credibility should rely on transparency, fact-checking, and open discussion rather than external certification. Influential figures gain trust without validation, and third-party organizations may face skepticism. If news is evidence-based and verifiable, certification is unnecessary. The “News Trust Initiative” remains debatable, as credibility evolves dynamically with public perception and scrutiny. Continue Reading …


佐拉認為,新聞的可信度應建立於透明度、事實查核及公開討論,而非特定機構的認證。外部審查與認證可能推廣,但其公信力是否獲得公眾接受則另當別論。部分網紅無需認證亦能獲取信任,且第三方機構亦可能受質疑。因此,新聞若能自證其信,則無須依賴外部背書。「新聞信任倡議」的必要性值得討論,新聞可信度應來自可驗證內容與多方檢視,而非單一機構認證,且其公信力隨時代變遷並非固定不變。 Continue Reading …