佐拉直播烧中国护照 吁年轻人站出来投票

大家好,我是佐拉。今天是2019年12月26日,星期四。我在台湾花莲县瑞穗乡瑞穗村。Hello there, this is Zola.Today is Thursday, December 26, 2019.I am in Ruisui Village, Ruisui Township, Hualien County, Taiwan.

2018年5月31日,我申請了永久居留,拿到了中華民國國民身份證,成為了有資格投票的「中華民國國民」。這個國,不是大清帝國,而是顛覆了大清帝國的中華民國。你知道,國家,從來不是為了被仰望,而是努力和你站在一起,而是為了保護國民。致力於保護國民的國家,這個代表國家的政府才有合法性; 民眾參與選舉,投票或被投票,參與了國家治理; 民眾在這個國家消費和納稅,支持了這個政府的運行。
I applied for permanent residence On May 31, 2018,Got the Republic of China National Identity Card,Become a “Republic of China National” eligible to vote. This country is not the Qing Empire, But the Republic of China that subverted the Qing Empire. You know, the country is never meant to be looked up. But trying to stand with you. For the protection of nationals. A nation committed to protecting its citizens,Then government representing the country has legitimacy. Citizens participate in elections, vote or be voted, Participated in national governance; People spend and tax in this country to supported the operation of this government.

眾所周知,中華民國的「國父」孫中山為了「驅除韃虜」創造了「中國」和「中華」這些名詞,但他出生就是大清帝國的人; 我的父親出生於中華民國三十一年,但他8歲後一直生活在中國; 我出生在中國,但我三十歲後一直生活在台灣,我是中華民國國民,是台灣人,是花蓮人,是瑞穗人。
As we all knowSun Yat-sen, the “founding father” of the Republic of China, Coined the terms “China nationa(中国)” and “Chinese(中华)”, But he was born in the Qing Empire as Qing National identity. My father was born in 1942 in the Republic of China(R.O.C.) But he has changed National identity as China(P.R.C) after 1949; I was born in China(P.R.C), But I have lived in Taiwan R.O.C. since I was thirty, I am a national of the republic of china, Taiwanese, Hualien citizen, Ruisui citizen.

I have lived in China for thirty years, Witnessed the economic development in the 40 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, Also witness how one-party dictatorship China persecutes activists Journalists, lawyers, scholars, and dissidents. Witnessed how Xi Jinping has been acting backwards since he took office,He succeeded in centralizing power and compressing civil expression space to “save CCP”.

In this country,Like Taiwan during military martial law. People do not have freedom of association, freedom of the publish and freedom of speech.

CCP’s Persecution of Falun Gong Publications Since 1999

Tibetans use self-immolation to protest tyranny since 2008

Ethnic conflicts in Xinjiang since 2009 development to concentration camps for large scale detention in 2019

從1997年以來香港人民要求普選發展出2019年「黑警鎮壓200天」至今沒停息;Hong Kong people demand universal suffrage since 1997 Then development to “black police crackdown for 219 has not stopped yet

從2017年冬天,北京無數的低端人口被趕出北京;From the winter of 2017, countless low-end population in Beijing have been kicked out of Beijing

From 2013 Countless Internet opinion leaders were sent to TV for “confession” Many daring speakers are deprived of their freedom by the Chinese Communist Party by the crime of “inciting subversion”, “provoking trouble” and “illegal business”.

I’ve seen a lot of Well-known dissidents in the past,Ai Weiwei Xu Zhiyong,Chen Yunfei Wu Gan,Zhen Jianghua, Chen Jieren, Yang Hengjun, They were framed for crimes and lost their freedom

There are more political prisoners I haven’t met yet in jail, Or on the run.

The observations from the observations and personal experience of the above cases are

在中國,一黨專政,貪腐層出不窮,沒有反對黨批評,沒有媒體和民間團體監督,社會治理水平得不到提高,人權得不到普遍的保護,法律不彰顯公平正義,這個一黨專政的政府所代表的國家不值得仰望。 In China, one-party dictatorships caused endless corruption, No opposition party to criticize, No media and civil society to supervision, then no improvement in social governance, Human rights are not universally protected, Laws do not show fairness and justice, The country represented by this one-party dictatorship is not worth looking up to.

現在的中國又一次開倒車,走入了文化大革命的癲狂的悲哀的時代,萬馬齊喑,理性討論的空間幾乎不存在了。Now China is backing up again, Into the insane and sad era of the Cultural Revolution,Wan Ma Qi Yin(ten thousand horses keep silent), there is almost no room for rational discussion.

For so many years, I have been looking at changes in the world independently, Never wanted to live as dynimic as those arrested friends, I also want to spend the rest of my life quietly However, former friends have been jailed one after another. Look around, no one could be the person ability to turn the tide as expectedAlthough I am limited influence, But i can’t keep watching I want to carry a liberal flag, Stop authoritarian worshippers from expanding, Committed to promoting humanrights protection, Working to expand the realm of liberals, In other words, I want to oppose the expansion of Communist Party around the world, Referred to as “anti-communist”.

I know a lot of people have left China, They also oppose the expansion of Communist Party around the world, But said that “still need to visit relatives in China”, So they say “can help” to the status quo, Do not dare to “treat lightly”, I understand that situation.

I naturalized Taiwan last year, Got the Republic of China National Identity Card. Also applied for a passport of Republic of China, It was follw at the request of the Immigration Department to cancel the household registration form Meitanba Town, Ningxiang County, Hunan Province, China, And completed the legal notarization of the cancellation of household registration, Strangely, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of R.O.C. did not ask me to give up my P.R.C. passport, Now I made a choice between anti-communism and visiting relatives, I have never applied for a “Mainland travel permit for Taiwan residents”, Also decided to use Youtube to live broadcast burned out my Chinese(P.R.C.) passport on January 8, 2020.

媒体联络电话:0920955544 (+886920955544)
Contact: 0920955544 (+886920955544)


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