
今天晚上回到家后就收邮件,继续剪辑视频,登录youtube后发现了一件有趣的事情。原来是杭州的飘移大赛的那个被车手追打的人看到我发布的内容了。他说他叫拉里陈,他是WDS(世界汽车飘移系列赛)的工作人员,他说明年飘移大赛会继续,并且想见到我,他的一个记录很多飘移照片的网站 (www.driftfotos.com )被中国封锁了,他说苏志尧那天被关了一晚上,买了一个新相机赔给他,很幸运的拿回照相机里存储的照片,并且有一个很好的可作为新闻配图照片的照片,照片是苏志尧生气的样子,估计就是当时盲拍的照片

下面是Larry Chen在youtube发给我的站内短信:


My name is Larry Chen. I am that “reporter” that got attacked by susu that dumb chinese driver. I actaully am a part of WDS. I have been with the company and its owners since the begining. We were very please with the results from this event. It is too bad that susu had to ruin this great event. Photography is just a hobby of mine and I wanted to make sure he did not get away with what he was doing.

Its good to see that there are people like you in the world who report on stuff like this. World Drift Series is going back next year and I would love to meet you. You can email me at Larry@*****.com . The problem is my website is blocked in China so you can not look at it but you can visit the my world drift series website at www.wdschina.com.

Susu spent the night in jail and he bought me a new camera and they took my old one. I was lucky enough to get my memory back so I have all the photos. Here is the best one:

Well thanks again for reporting on your website. I like your commentary and your site very much.

下面是Larry Chen发来的现场图片,图片显示,这事件不是中国的耻,只是当事人的耻:





  1. 文章:《汽车飘移系列赛杭州站苏志尧追打摄影记者是苏志尧的耻辱
  2. 文章:《[视频]2007世界汽车飘移系列赛(WDS)杭州站比赛全记录
  3. 视频:《Hangzhou WDS 2007 Chinese racer attack a foreign reporter》(7分钟)感谢才猫MM翻译字幕
  4. 视频:《2007世界汽车飘移系列赛(WDS)杭州站比赛过程全记录》(16分钟)
  5. 图片:更多事发现场照片

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