吴苹杨武与政府达成协商 我的BLOG被GFW定点封锁






37 thoughts on “吴苹杨武与政府达成协商 我的BLOG被GFW定点封锁”

  1. 刚才Google Reader也了问题,用代理上了你的Blog看到这则日志全文,才明白是为什么——我在GR里点其它的不要紧,一点订阅的你的日志,GR就出错!伟大的技术啊!!

  2. 我在国外,可以登录你的网站。不知是不是GFW还没来得及封锁啊?


  3. 这些和谐了!好不容易才绕上来!

  4. 今天好像连域名都封了。另外,据我观察GFW是双向的。


  5. Zola,建议你用Feedburner或Feedsky烧录一下网志,这样读者可以不用gfw就能阅读了。




  6. Pingback: Feng's Style
  7. 4月3日出版的《纽约时报》转发了美联社的报道“China Destroys House After Standoff”。由于美联社记者不在现场,有关拆迁的消息来源引述了周曙光和官方媒体两个来源。

    新闻说:“Their two-story brick building, which had been perched precariously on a tower of land in the middle of a huge construction pit, was clawed into dust by an earth mover as a few dozen reporters and people looked on late Monday night, said witness Zhou Shuguang. Zhou photographed the event and posted the pictures on his blog.”


  8. 我也来补充一下美联社的稿子

    China tears down home amid standoff
    04/03/2007 00:27:28

    By ALEXA OLESEN, Associated Press Writer 11 minutes ago

    BEIJING – Chinese authorities have torn down a stubborn couple’s house after a three-year standoff that captivated the nation, a witness and state media said Tuesday.

    Their two-story brick building was clawed into dust by an earth mover as a few dozen reporters and people looked on late Monday night, said witness Zhou Shuguang, who photographed the event and posted the pictures to his blog. The demolition took about three hours, he said.

  9. 另外是美联社4月3日的稿子
    China’s ‘nail house’ is pulled out of its lonely site

    The Associated Press
    Published: April 3, 2007

    BEIJING: Chinese authorities have torn down a stubborn couple’s house after a three-year standoff that captivated the nation, a witness and state media said Tuesday.

    Wu Ping and Yang Wu have been fighting off bulldozers in downtown Chongqing since 2004, when they were one of 280 households asked to make way for a redevelopment project in the booming southwestern city of nearly 28 million.

    Their two-story brick building – perched precariously on a tower of land in the middle of a huge construction pit – was clawed into dust by an earth mover as a few dozen reporters and people looked on late Monday night, according to one witness, Zhou Shuguang.

    The demolition took about three hours, said Zhou, who photographed the event and posted the pictures to his blog.

    State media and web commentators called the house “the coolest nail house ever,” because it stuck up like an errant nail that could not be pulled out.

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