

Read Please: Looking for Hacker

Hi guys.
I found your email’s looking for the best chinese hackers, and I think in this list I’ll find the hacker I’m looking for finish the project I started two months ago.

I’m talking about U$S 500 anonymous egold funds per week for you if you work in this project. And I can assure you, it’s serious.

Note: This is a “blackhat” or “greyhat” project. For this reason, if you have “ethical” objections please don’t respond.

Let me know if you are interested to send you the complete info about the project.




我冒充黑客答应他们参加组织的话,他们行家一伸手就知有没有,没法在他们面前混,我还是不去调戏美国人了.如果你有胆量和能力,那就加入吧,给这人回邮件: [email protected]


5 thoughts on “美国人招募中国黑客啦”

  1. 通过邮件往来,弄清了他的用意,也不知道是不是FBI针对黑帽子的蜜罐。以下是对方的回复:
    Really, devil is the database I want to modify. It’s a South America’s country based database that contains reports about indebted people. Thanks to this database, people couldn’t access to
    new credit or loans… Be sure they are not there for debts with the “Grameen Bank” of Muhammad Yunus.

    I don’t know if it’s “devil” for you, but I’ll respect your position about that.


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