Do something cool

    in case LIFE is boring

🔥 志工花花怒吼:傅崐萁親共賣台,花蓮23年停滯不前!罷免刻不容緩! #罷免傅崐萁

「23年了,花蓮沒有進步,傅崐萁卻越來越親共!」 罷免傅崐萁陸戰小分隊志工 花花 強烈譴責傅崐萁與徐榛蔚夫妻 輪流執政 23 年,卻讓花蓮停滯不前,沒有真正的建設與發展。

( premiered at 11 hours ago. )


2025年2月26日,我應無國界組織的邀請,參加了在台北舉辦的《新聞信任倡議計劃 ( publish at 1 month ago.)

GitLab 告別中港澳:使用者資料安全引發擔憂,背後是商業考量還是政治壓力?

佐拉探討了 宣布停止服務中國大陸、香港及澳門使用者的背景,分析了此舉的商業和政治因素,並對極狐)作為替代平臺的安全風險進行探討。文章詳述 與極狐的關係、中國法律對資料安全的影響、以及香港和其他受影響地區 IT 人員可能面臨的挑戰,包括資料遷移的單向性和合作障礙。 ( publish at 3 month ago.)

關於 錢.tw 知多少

最近出现一些社交媒体內容説 Elon Musk 购买了 钱.tw 指向 我去核查了一下,觉得证据不足以説明是Elon Musk 购买了 钱.tw 。 經過仔細核查目前已知細節,目前没有证据表明 Elog Musk 购买並使用了 钱.tw 这个台湾域名。 我也用 的二级域名 https://钱 是指向了 Elog Musk的社交媒体帐號。当然也不能证明 http://钱 也是 Elog Musk付钱购买了我的二级域名。 ( publish at 3 month ago.)

Who is Zola?

Zhou Shuguang, male, a.k.a. Zola or zuola, Forty three years old, Senior Network Engineer,Chinese blogger, activist, Getty Images Contributor, CEO & Founder of ZUOLA TECHNOLOGY, Original from Hunan China, immigrated to Ruisui Township Hualien County Taiwan (R.O.C) . He is a veteran fighting the censorship of news and Internet restrictions in China...

( As lonely knight, always selfieing by left hand. At Tiananmen Square. photo taken at 16 years ago. )


This documentary follows Zola and "Tiger Temple" whom reporting on sensitive news throughout China. Zola was developing social media skills and running one-man news stations while fighting censorship regulations and avoiding the risk of political persecution.

( movie trailer of HIGH TECH, LOW LIFE, premiered at 12 years ago. )


Thirty eight years ago, China sent its first-ever email. “Across the Great Wall, we can reach every corner of the world,” the Mail Administration of China wrote to researchers at Germany’s University of Karlsruhe at 9:07 p.m. Beijing time at Sept. 14, 1987. But instead of bridging the wall, China has since built a new one, in cyberspace - the largest system of Internet censorship, control and surveillance in the world, nicknamed the Great Firewall of China. Zola was fighting against with Great Firewall.

(RTHK documentary "The Voices inside the Fire Wall", premiered at 17 years ago. )

More than 1,400 Twitter users around the world took part in a U.S. Department of State sponsored contest to define democracy and the State Department announced the most popular "tweet" was from a Chinese user Zola, as know as "@zuola " :

"Democracy is a set of game rules that, in their gradual process towards perfection, independent individuals and organisations in a civil society seek to maximize their interests by using transparent and nonviolent means"

the message from Zola, which presumably stuck to the 140-character Twitter limit in Chinese. Winner Prizes was a Flip Video HD Camcorder.

美国大使馆金瑞柏公使颁发 ”Twitter Contest Challenges the World to Define Democracy“的奖品和证书给周曙光 US Embassy Minister Robert Goldberg issued "Twitter Contest Challenges the World to Define Democracy" prizes and certificates to Zola (2010). photo taken at 15 years ago.